About Wendy Ong

Accountant by academic qualifications, digital marketer by profession. Making the final switch (some say leap) to the legal field - bucket list checked.

When we don’t hit 65….

At the beginning of this semester, we made a pact within the study group which essentially held all of us to the following: No one is to utter the notion of quitting no matter how tough it gets. Anyone who did not score above 65 for any TMA during the semester has to contribute at [...]

By |2021-12-23T22:46:31+08:00December 23rd, 2021|Blog Posts|1 Comment

Post Examination Withdrawal Symptoms?

This is the first weekend in months that I am actually not cramming to finish either a TMA or revising for a TOA. All the nervous energy, the pressure, the anxieties about not being able to remember the principles, the rules, the articles, the adrenalin grinded to a halt. And it feels...weird. Almost a sense [...]

By |2021-11-29T00:33:01+08:00November 29th, 2021|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Observations by a ‘Kkondae’ Intern

During this term break, I had the good fortune of spending two months as an intern in a law firm. It was a glimpse into the possible future and an eye-opener to the real work behind the 'glamour' of being a lawyer. Firstly, please forget what you binge-watched on Netflix, whether it was Suits or [...]

By |2021-07-24T21:50:41+08:00July 24th, 2021|Blog Posts|8 Comments

Young Enough, Good Enough

Recently, I came across a LinkedIn article on the 'Imposter' syndrome.  In essence, it is the feeling that you are a fake at what you do and you fear being called out for being an imposter. This syndrome plagues everyone including some of us who are pursuing this law degree, perhaps past our prime. I, [...]

By |2021-07-10T22:02:32+08:00July 10th, 2021|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Crying Fowl: It’s Wild!

I live near Sungei Api Api. And I have often seen roosters and chickens roaming freely.  I have never paid them much attention until I had to study the Wildlife Act. Of late, there has also been much media attention on otters, monitor lizards, pythons, owls and wild boars, in our midst, boldly coming into [...]

By |2021-06-12T22:28:58+08:00June 12th, 2021|Blog Posts|0 Comments

Time, Thy Name is Cruelty

TOA is a four-letter word. No, really. I now know what the most dreaded word facing a 12-year old kid is. E-X-A-M. I was reduced to a 12-year old a week ago. We had to sit for two TOAs, aka Timed Online Assignments, which make up for 50% of our GPA for each module respectively.  [...]

By |2021-06-27T14:42:29+08:00May 30th, 2021|Blog Posts|2 Comments

The Red Pill

We had our concluding Legal Methods seminar last week.  We were asked to reflect on what skills we picked up and how applicable they could be beyond our written assignments. It was easy to rattle off a whole long list...IRAC, ratio, obiter, interpretation etc.  But for me, it was how to think objectively and reason critically. [...]

By |2021-06-27T14:42:40+08:00April 28th, 2021|Blog Posts|0 Comments

The world of TMAs: Studenthack#1

  We are midway through our 3rd module and starting on the 4th. Weekly TMAs (tutor-marked assignments) fill our schedules besides attending weekly 3-hour seminars for each module.It is easy to underrate them because they are not exams. But here is the catch: THEY ALL COUNT TOWARDS GETTING THAT 3.5GPA. Do not treat [...]

By |2021-04-17T22:50:23+08:00April 4th, 2021|Blog Posts|5 Comments

What would our world be like without the rule of law?

Actually we can already see this in some countries, most recently, our ASEAN neighbour. Instead, the troubled country is ruled by law, created by the military government.It may seem like mere wordplay but the placement of the key words 'rule' and 'law' with different prepositions lead to very different concepts. Let us examine the difference [...]

By |2021-03-13T23:19:20+08:00March 13th, 2021|Concepts|0 Comments
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